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Vegayan's SiMPLuS Planning suite provides extensive capabilities for preparing the network for futuristic growth in terms of traffic and services; improved resiliency against failures as well as enhancing the network footprint.
SiMPLuS Planning provides network-wide automated analysis to identify critical failure scenarios. This enables operators to preplan remedial actions to ensure better performance of critical services under such severe conditions.

Adding new services or expanding existing ones can place substantial demands on the MPLS network. SiMPLuS Planning simulates the effects of new services and service expansions, pinpointing the portions of the network requiring additional investment. It further optimizes network resource allocation to minimize or delay capacity enhancements.
SiMPLuS Planning provides "green-field" MPLS path design to optimize network resource utilization from scratch. When the projected traffic demand pattern is substantially different from design, it is often better to start afresh by fully redesigning network paths. The "green-field" design capability is important when network undergoes extensive changes due to enhancement in its footprint or under roll-out of new services.
Customized solutions for the next gen networks
- Award winning and Patented algorithms to design MPLS paths for optimal availability, performance and cost
- First complete solution for managing NextGen networks
- Powerful control mechanisms, optimizing network capacity and maximizing resiliency
- Conforming to NextGen multi-layered complex networks
- Real-time view of network conditions, ensuring delivery of quality performance of multiple services
- Supports all major NextGen device vendors
- Full element management capabilities & supports all major next-gen device vendors
- Seamless config management & provisioning of next-gen services.